0 calorie vegetable cooking spray
1/2 clove garlic (2cal)
1/4 bag precut cole slaw (25cal)
minced ginger
dash salt
"Meat Sauce"
4 mushrooms (12cal)
1 tomato (36cal)
fresh basil leaves
dash worcestershire sauce
red pepper flakes
black pepper
0 calorie vegetable cooking spray
dash salt
Total: 75 calories
I have been eating unhealthy lately, so today I wanted to start out clean.
Should have eaten it completely raw, but half cooked it cuz broccoli is so hard to eat raw.
Mince garlic, chop scallions. Wash and chop tomato and mushrooms.
Take your non stick skillet, spray with vegetable cooking spray.
Saute garlic, scallions, and slaw, but not fully. Drizzle minced ginger. Only half cook it, you still want the noodles to be crispy. Set aside.
Respray skillet with vegetable cooking spray. Chopped tomato on one side and mushroom on the other. Break down the tomato with wooden spoon while cooking on medium heat. Add basil leaves on the tomato. Dash worcestershire sauce and red pepper flakes on tomato. Stir it and continue to break it down, its water content should make it a chunky sauce type thing.
Dash salt, very little ! Just for taste on both the mushrooms and tomato.
You can now mix it up, or if you're like me and enjoy tasting the food item individually .. then just serve beside the noodles.
Dash black pepper for taste and garnish with cilantro.
Notice I didn't cook it with any oil, I only use the vegetable spray so nothing sticks to the pan and burns. For those of you who don't mind some fat, I'd say give the noodles a drizzle of sesame oil for more flavor. Though I really liked the ginger taste. This recipe saves you from consuming gluten and a shitload more unnecessary calories.
And I had cucumber chips for an appetizer.
Makes a really good lunch.
In comparison, to let's say Earls. or any of those franchise restaurants that serve a crispy noodle bowl. I have this thing against fake asian food. lol .. sure it's called fushion . *Rolls eyes*
Earl's Hunan Kung Pao is a wok fried noodle with veggies, peanuts, and you can add chicken or shrimp. It has 1003.65 calories. You would think noodles, vegetables, and chicken should have less calories than a burger, right ? No, according to the nutritional content they provide on their website .. both burgers have less calories than the bowls do.
Okay let's talk health. I'm totally disgusted right now, The Hunan bowl has 42.12g of fat, so even more than the Bigger Better 1/2 lb Burger which has 40g. But the Hunan bowl has 3324.32mg of sodium. Holy fuck. The burger has 995mg. That's quite a difference. The burger has more saturated fat of 18.27g where as the bowl only has 4.59g. Also the fibre content is very low in both bowls and burgers.
I don't like burgers either, (grounded up proccessed meat? .. that's like death .. wait it is. =P) but I'm just comparing the two because people automatically think burgers are unhealthy if comparing to rice or noodles. And pasta, don't even get me started.
So yah, I'm never eating at Earls, lol . Didn't mean to pick on them, but I don't eat at many other places with that sort of food either.
The next time you end up at one of these places, maybe you'll reconsider and just starve. Haha, kidding.
Cheers and have a nice day ! =)
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