Since I've been living at this house .. (I was 4.5 years old) ..
This year is the 100th year anniversary of the PNE.
My favorite roller coaster of all time will always be the black wooden one pulled by gravity. You feel like the thing will collapse or you might get flung out while on it. It's awesome !
I like playing the game where the ball drops and bounces off pins, the goal is to catch it with the plastic thing and let it drop in the hole. I forget the name.
Won a monkey sitting in a banana. lol
Gambled a bit, drank a bit, ate a bit. Went to the marketplace, walked around the farm. I got some lavender, the scent is supposed to be calming.
Didn't go on any rides because I already went to Playland earlier in the year.
Overall, it was fun .. but I prefer to go with a few more people, makes it more interesting.
Maybe I'll go again, if the weather is nice.
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