It annoys me when people question me ..
"Oh you're on a diet ?" ... "What kind of diet?" ... "What, your still on a diet?"
NO PEOPLE, I'm not on a fucking diet. It's called a lifestyle you morons.
On a brighter note, read this article .. it makes total sense.
Oddly enough, I'd been through all these steps naturally .. just came across this article by accident just now though lol
The key to maintaining your eating habits (according to me) (regardless of what your aiming for) is to:
1) Do not deprive yourself of anything. Eat what you want. But in moderation.
2) Eat when your hungry, not when your "supposed" to
3) Fuck what others think or say, they can shove junk down their throats all they want .. but why do you have to follow and suffer ? You don't. Don't feel obligated to try and explain to them because, even if they understand .. they won't agree. So fuck them. lol
4) Don't kill yourself if you binge once in awhile. It happens .. we're only human. Tomorrow will be another day where you can do much better.
And folks, that is how you live the life you want. Really, it doesn't only apply to food.
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