It's simple, quick, and easy !

1 cup cauliflower (28 cal)
2 tsp Becel's 67% lower in fat margarine (50 cal)
Inspired by Artalie's blog and her healthy way of eating.
I've been meaning to try this for awhile, but never actually got around to it .. till now.
It's way faster than cooking an actual potato, and less work. Of course, it'll never replace an actual potato because well, face it, potatoes are the best ! The upside is that it's much fewer calories and not so much starch.
First, wash the cauliflower .. then put it in a glass measuring cup with one cup of water. Microwave it for 3-4 minutes, or until soft. Drain water, put into a bowl and mash or chop it up as best you can. (I don't own a food processor, unfortunately) Add 1 tsp of the margarine, mix it up and put it back in the microwave for 1 minute. Add the other tsp of margarine, mash in as well as you can, and enjoy !
So that took about, let's see .. under 10 minutes ! and I'm done eating it as I type this.
I was feeling really lazy just now, or else I would have added black pepper at the very least or chopped scallions and a pinch of salt.